Good: I was physically and medically unable to stop laughing.
Bad: I dint wanna see bambee get birth'd.
Good: The animation was superb.
Good: I was physically and medically unable to stop laughing.
Bad: I dint wanna see bambee get birth'd.
Good: The animation was superb.
The Lag... THE LAG...
Teh jokes were funny, but the horrible lag really didn't make it a paradise for the eyes. Or the pancreas, but that's another story. Quality control would be helpful.
Guess which one was the NES setting.
I wonder...
I wonder what it would be like if Nintendo did a little "Role Reversal" with the characters. Link actually would be a girl, Princess Zelda could be maybe Prince Ezekiel (Or something), and Ganon could be a Gerudo Lady. Navi would still be the same because she's annoying and she doesn't get to be a guy fairy. But what would Lady Link be called? I'll have to do some brainstorming on that. In short, The flash is funny, but the visuals are lacking. Ganon's Face looks funny. Like, more than usual.
Very good. Very good. Have I already said that?
In addition to partial nudity, Navi has not only been made hotter, but she gets her comuppance.
"Hey, listen!"
"Look out, Link!"
Hey, Navi, guess what! YOU'RE FUCKING ANNOYING!
Despite The animation, I'd give this 80%.
The animation is a little off, but the overall concept is... Eh... I don't have a word for this, so I'll have to make one up: "Thnortly." The overall concept is "Thnortly." As for the ending, it's either Ironic or just funny.
I'm not even gonna say anything on this one.
Teh heh heh heh heh!
This is the first onea these I watched after beating the Nicholas's Wierd adventure series. Wierd. Er, Weird. Whatever. Still, nice job. keep up the good work. And by that I mean make more flashes instead of sitting on your ass watching other peoples' flashes. These things can't get made quickly enough.
The animation is coo, and all, but, ah, the song is pretty much bunk. I'm half- or at least one-third geek (I has a few eccentric hobbies, but I despise many of the more geekly iTems), so where's my love? Huh? *Sobs* I ain't got none! *sob* Ya JERK! *sniff* Excuse me now whilst I fantasize STRANGLING YOU!
Dedede's dance's funny 'cause I'm not getting it.
In normal speak, King Dedede's Big Gay Dance is funny because he's not giving it to me. The pikachu part was really comedic, but if he really wants to prove himself then why doesn't he just bite the Pokemon Trainer's head off (literally) because of his fnuckin' years of slave labor? I mean, S-R-S-L-Y (or so I've heard)! One more thing: Lucario is a dog thing, not a lizard thing. He doesn't have nostrils.
This account is basically closed. I made it when I was 13, and I've said a lot of things here that I don't want to associate myself with.
Joined on 9/15/07